DECEMBER 10, 2024 -- Dec. 13: Here Comes Santa Claus
Dec. 16: Caroling Around Town (Weather Permitting)
When next you visit our hall you will be greeted by our beautiful, blue doors. Jeff and Debbie Barnes are responsible for the beautifully painted railings and doors. Nancy Weissmuller is responsible for the drips!
At our October 11 meeting we learned more about the terrible Civil War. On the 25th we had a happy time at our annual Halloween party. A small but enthusiastic group enjoyed the games of Feed Freddie, Dem Bones, Bowling for Candy Corn and Find the Skeleton, among others. Adults joined the youngsters in the games (and did almost as well)! Our Worthy President finally found the ulna of the purple team’s skeleton where Jason Miner had hidden it, taped to the back of the skeleton on the door to the stage.
Our Christmas Party will be preceded by a short meeting at 7:30. If you are bringing a child to the party, please bring a wrapped present with the child’s name clearly printed on it. Leave it in the kitchen for Santa’s bag and Santa will give the gifts out at the party. And if Mother Nature will please gift us with some rain to end this awful drought, next time we will tell you all about nice November. |