DECEMBER 7, 2024 -- Dec. 10: Christmas Gifts & Party, Ref. Pam Wright. Bring a $10 (or less) grab bag gift and enjoy the country store
Dec. 24: No Meeting - Merry Christmas
Winchester Grange is working on planning for continued upgrades to the hall. We were pleased to learn the NW Community Foundation awarded a grant to help with the cost of our front façade improvement. This money combined with the grant from the Connecticut State Grange Foundation will offset a good amount of the cost of removing the front window and repairing/re-siding that section of the hall.
Our AED (defibrillator) has been installed at the hall, with all expenses paid for by a grant from the Winsted Auxiliary grant. We are planning for a CPR course to be held in the coming weeks that will be open to the community. It’s not enough to have the equipment. We need to have members trained in the use of the equipment and in CPR.
Join us on Dec. 10 for our Christmas Party/Meeting. If you would like to participate in the Grab Bag, bring a gift worth $10 or less. As always, guests are welcome at this meeting. We’ll see you there.